Looks like a roundabout but it is the temporary parking place my car has chosen. To the great displeasure of some bus drivers who had to move more of their body than usual to show me what they think about the situation.
Police came and asked if they could help. No lecture, no admonition. They could pull me out of there. When I told them that it’s impossible they accepted and offered to call a breakdown service. When I told them I’ve got them already at the phone they wished me a good day and left. Little bit surprised about what just happened I called the ADAC again, relieved that the first person I had on the phone had hanged up. Seemed bit overcharged finding the City „Göschenen“ next to Wassen in Switzerland on the way to Gothard or Furka, just some Kilometers ahead of Gothard tunnel. Next ADAC telephone call was like… me: „Round about in Göschenen where…“ interrupted by him: „the one at the entry?“… and everything was clear somehow. Then there was an hour of looks while waiting for the support. Different looks in fine gradation between sympathy, Schadenfreude and disgust. These German words in English language… Blitzkrieg, Angst, Schadenfreude… Expressions only Germans have words for. Kindergarten doesn’t fit very well in this row.
When he arrived the Service man of the Swiss TCS parked right behind me, narrowed the already narrow street bit more. Friendly guy and almost speaking completely understandable German language. I explained the situation… stopped, accelerated, metallic Klong and the rear axle blocked. Can’t shift anymore, clutch is working, engine was running, Something with the gear box… then he was lying under the car, checked stuff, got in the car, didn’t get it started because they are all to young to know how this old engine imobiliser works, got it shown, got the car started and the gearbox loose somehow. Two speeds at the same time, was his diagnose after consultation with some colleague. We drove some meters together to see if it works again, he would drive as long as it is working. I’ve got insurance so no worries about the rescue. hmm.

First two speeds not working properly… not very inspiring confidence. Continued direction France via Furka, Brig, Visp and Sion. Till there I had stopped at three Mitsubishi dealers to ask about their oppinion. After I had described the situation the one in Brig said „thats possible“. Well, it just happened, didn’t it? After I had pointed with the finger at my car the most contructive statement of the dealer in Visp was „I would have thrown this car away ten years ago“ so no recommendation for this garage!
After I entered the tiny office of the last garage right after a woman had left I was ignored for about 5 Minutes. The owner was bussy reading the latest fomula 1 news. I went directly to the mechanics and some seconds later someone was lying under the car, another one shifting, then testdriving. Same result at the end, old gear box, something wrong inside. Due to the advice of a friend who is mechanic and some further possible damages I’m heading back home and will pick up an replacement gearbox. Next adventure will be to get this heavy thing renewed and installed.


Comments (4)


Oktober 14, 2016 by Andreas

Oh nein, das tut mir leid. Viel Glück bei der Reparatur!!


Oktober 14, 2016 by Cathl

OH shit. Das ist ja traurig. Viel Erfolg für den Einbau! Das kriegste bestimmt hin. Steckt doch schon so viel Herzblut in dem Auto. Tschakka.


Oktober 17, 2016 by Tino

wünsche schon mal wenigstens pannenfreie Heimreise!

D aus DD

Oktober 18, 2016 by D aus DD

Wünschen dir ebenfalls Glück und goldene Hände!!!!

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